Take this quiz and see how well you know about Gabriela Mistral??

Gabriela Mistral was a Chilean poet-diplomat, educator and humanist. She was the first Latin American author to receive a Nobel Prize in Literature. She had been using the pen name Gabriela Mistral since June 1908 for much of her writing.

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   Author : Agniva Bhowmick

Q1: What is real name of Gabriela Mistral?

  • A. Lucian Barbie Candril
  • B. Lusibina Geroge Alacan
  • C. Luciman Didy Cansion
  • D. Lucila Godoy Alcayaga

Q2: When was she born?

  • A. 7 April 1889
  • B. 8 April 1890
  • C. 9 April 1891
  • D. 10 April 1892

Q3: When did she win Nobel Prize in Literature?

  • A. 1944
  • B. 1945
  • C. 1946
  • D. 1947

Q4: In which bank note was her portrait also appear?

  • A. 1000
  • B. 200
  • C. 5000
  • D. 100

Q5: What was the name of her first poem?

  • A. Nubes Blancas y Breve Descripción de Chile
  • B. Desolación
  • C. Lecturas para Mujeres
  • D. Sonetos de la muerte

Q6: What was the english title of her poem, named Ensoñaciones?

  • A. Dream
  • B. Intimate Letter
  • C. By the Sea
  • D. See the moon

Q7: What was the of her first love who who killed himself in 1909?

  • A. Benjamin
  • B. Romelio Ureta
  • C. Martin
  • D. Matias

Q8: What was her first award?

  • A. Nobel Prize in Literature
  • B. Chilean National Prize for Literature
  • C. Juegos Florales
  • D. Best Author of Chile

Q9: When did she write one of her famous poems named Poesías completas?

  • A. 1955
  • B. 1956
  • C. 1957
  • D. 1958

Q10: Which Nepali author did translate her poem?

  • A. Abiral Pal
  • B. Suman Pokhrel
  • C. Ahupathi Chetri
  • D. Baburam