How well do you know about the person who made a revolutionary change in Physics?
How well do you know about the person who made a revolutionary change in Physics
Author : Adiyogi Quiz Master
Posted On : 14-Mar-2018
Q1: In which year Einstein was born
- A. 1879
- B. 1878
- C. 1885
- D. 1876
Q2: In which year he received Nobel Prize for Physics
- A. 1922
- B. 1928
- C. 1921
- D. 1926
Q3: In which city Einstein was born
- A. Dresden
- B. Berlin
- C. Hamburg
- D. Ulm
Q4: Which was the year when Einstein formulated his special theory of relativity
- A. 1900
- B. 1905
- C. 1903
- D. 1904
Q5: Einstein died in
- A. 1950
- B. 1955
- C. 1957
- D. 1952
Q6: Einstein on basis of his research is considered as
- A. Philosopher
- B. Mathematician
- C. Theoritical Physicst
- D. Astronomer
Q7: Einstein received Nobel Prize for what
- A. Explanation of Photoelectric effect
- B. Discovery of proton
- C. For relativity
- D. Reseach on cathode rays
Q8: In which city Einstein died
- A. Zurich
- B. New York
- C. Princeton
- D. Los Alamos
Q9: Who offered the presidental post to Einstein
- A. Golda Meir
- B. Moshe Dayan
- C. Menachem Begin
- D. David Gurion
Q10: Einstein completed his General theory of relativity in which year
- A. 1923
- B. 1915
- C. 1918
- D. 1924
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