Only a true Hanuman bhakt can get full in this quiz?

Only a true Hanuman bhakt can get full in this quiz
Author : Adiyogi Quiz Master
Posted On : 31-Mar-2018
Q1: Who is the mother of Lord Hanuman
- A. Parvati
- B. Ajantha
- C. Anjana
- D. Lakshmi
Q2: Who reminded Hanuman of his Powers
- A. Jatayu
- B. Jambavan
- C. Lord Rama
- D. Lakshmana
Q3: In which episode of Ramayana did Lord Hanuman meet for the first time to Lord Ram
- A. Bala Kanda
- B. Kishkindha Kanda
- C. Aranya Kanda
- D. Sundara Kanda
Q4: Who taught sacred astrology to Lord Hanuman
- A. Lord Vayu
- B. Lord Surya
- C. Lord Shiva
- D. Lord Ram
Q5: Which mountain was carried by hanuman
- A. Govardhana
- B. Nilgiri
- C. Dronagiri
- D. HImalayas
Q6: Who struck Hanuman when he was trying to reach the sun
- A. Surya
- B. Indra
- C. Shiva
- D. Agni
Q7: What is the popular name of Hanuman which means 'Lord Of Monkeys'
- A. Chiranjeevini
- B. Kapeeshwara
- C. Mahakaya
- D. Daithyakulantaka
Q8: According to Surya Sanhita which day is beleived to be the birthday of Lord Hanuman
- A. Thursday
- B. Sunday
- C. Monday
- D. Saturday
Q9: Which serpent tried to stop the way of Hanuman during his travel to Lanka
- A. Lankini
- B. Tataka
- C. Surasa
- D. Tara
Q10: Name the bridge that Hanuman and other banaras made to Lanka
- A. Vidya sagar setu
- B. Lakshman Jhula
- C. Adam's bridge
- D. Ganga bridge
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