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Answer this quiz questions on Katie Holmes and see how much you know about her?

Answer this quiz questions on Katie Holmes and see how much you know about her

Katie Holmes is an American actress, producer and director. She was nominated for her work in films and gained recognition from the audience.

   Author : Soumi Banerjee

   Posted On : 26-Oct-2019

Q1: Where Katie Holmes was born

  • A. Boston
  • B. Toledo
  • C. Chicago
  • D. Austin

Q2: What is her middle name

  • A. Anne
  • B. Carole
  • C. Sophie
  • D. Noelle

Q3: What is her Alma Mater

  • A. Queens College
  • B. Purchase College
  • C. Columbia University
  • D. New York University

Q4: In which movie she had her first professional role

  • A. Disturbing Behaviour
  • B. Go
  • C. The Ice Storm
  • D. Mad Money

Q5: Which character was portrayed by her in Dawson's Creek

  • A. Jen Lindley
  • B. Gail Leery
  • C. Mitch Leery
  • D. Joey Potter

Q6: In which movie she did a cameo role

  • A. The Gift
  • B. Ocean's 8
  • C. All We Had
  • D. The Giver

Q7: For which movie she was nominated for Satellite Award for Best Actress

  • A. Go
  • B. Wonder Boys
  • C. Abandon
  • D. Pieces Of April

Q8: Which celebrity actor was she married to

  • A. John Krasinski
  • B. Keanu Reeves
  • C. Tom Cruise
  • D. Tom Hanks

Q9: Who was her co star in the movie Days And Nights

  • A. Richard Kind
  • B. Jean Reno
  • C. Hilary Swank
  • D. Greg Kinnear

Q10: What is the name of her directed movie

  • A. All We Had
  • B. Logan Lucky
  • C. Say Anything
  • D. Walls Of Glass

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