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Let see how well you know about Manohar Parikkar??

Let see how well you know about Manohar Parikkar?

Manohar Parikkar was former chief minister of Goa. He was also defence minister of India.

   Author : Agniva Bhowmick

   Posted On : 21-Mar-2019

Q1: When Manohar Parikkar was born?

  • A. 13th December 1955
  • B. 14th December 1955
  • C. 15th December 1955
  • D. 16th December 1955

Q2: For which political party he worked?

  • A. BJP
  • C. TMC
  • D. Aam Admi

Q3: He was the minister of which state?

  • A. UP
  • B. MP
  • C. Goa
  • D. Kashmir

Q4: In which year he became minister of defence?

  • A. 2013
  • B. 2014
  • C. 2015
  • D. 2016

Q5: How many times he became chief minister of Goa?

  • A. 3
  • B. 4
  • C. 5
  • D. 6

Q6: When he became chief minister for the first time?

  • A. 24th Oct 2000
  • B. 25th Oct 2001
  • C. 26th Oct 2002
  • D. 27th Oct 2003

Q7: At which age he was died?

  • A. 54
  • B. 55
  • C. 62
  • D. 63

Q8: From where he earned doctorate degree?

  • A. NIT Goa
  • B. KIIT Bhubaneswar
  • C. NIFT
  • D. IITMumbai

Q9: In which year he was Distinguished Alumnus Award IIT-Mumbai?

  • A. 1998
  • B. 1999
  • C. 2000
  • D. 2001

Q10: In which year he was died?

  • A. 2016
  • B. 2017
  • C. 2018
  • D. 2019

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