Can you get at least 50% on this quiz on Nobel prize winners?

Can you get at least 50% on this quiz on Nobel prize winners
Author : Adiyogi Quiz Master
Posted On : 04-Jul-2018
Q1: In which year were the Nobel Prizes in the field of Economic sciences first given?
- A. 1969
- B. 1901
- C. 1974
- D. 1962
Q2: Linus Pauling, the first man to receive the Nobel in 2 different fields was awarded the prize for -
- A. Physics and Chemistry
- B. Chemistry and Medicine
- C. Chemistry and Peace
- D. Peace and Literature
Q3: Nobel prize in which of the following fields in awarded in Oslo, Norway?
- A. Physics
- B. Economic Sciences
- C. Peace
- D. Literature
Q4: In which year was Rabindranath Tagore awarded the Nobel prize for literature?
- A. 1913
- B. 1931
- C. 1922
- D. 1921
Q5: Which of the following organisations has thrice been awarded the Nobel Peace Prize?
- A. United Nations Organisation
- B. European Union
- C. Amnesty International
- D. International Red Cross
Q6: Who of the following was the first person to be awarded the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1901?
- A. JJ Thomson
- B. Wilhelm Rontgen
- C. Marie Curie
- D. G Marconi
Q7: Who of the following, the founder of International Red Cross was the first person to be awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1901?
- A. Baden Powell
- B. JH Dunant
- C. Melvin Jones
- D. Sam
Q8: In 2006 who was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize along with Grameen Bank for efforts to create economic and social development from below?
- A. Mohammad Yunus
- B. Abdus Salam
- C. Amartya Sen
- D. Aung Saan Suu Kyi
Q9: Who of the following is the youngest recipient of the Nobel Peace prize till date?
- A. Aung Saan Suu Kyi
- B. Malala Yousafjai
- C. Tawakkol Karman
- D. Barack Obama
Q10: Who of the following was awarded the Nobel Prize posthumuously?
- A. Theodore Roosevelt
- B. Martin Luther King Jr.
- C. U Thant
- D. Dag Hammarskjold
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