Take this quiz on Statue of Liberty and check how much you know about it?

Take this quiz on Statue of Liberty and check how much you know about it
Author : Adiyogi Quiz Master
Posted On : 22-Mar-2018
Q1: The Statue was presented to USA by which country
- A. France
- B. Italy
- C. China
- D. Netherland
Q2: It was built by
- A. Pierre de Montreuil
- B. Gustave Eiffel
- C. Jean de chelles
- D. None of these
Q3: In which year it was dedicated to USA
- A. 1886
- B. 1887
- C. 1885
- D. 1883
Q4: What is the height of the statue(From ground level to Torch)
- A. 305ft
- B. 310ft
- C. 315ft
- D. 320ft
Q5: Where was it made
- A. Washington
- B. London,England
- C. Paris,France
- D. Newyork
Q6: The number of rays that shine from liberty crown
- A. 8
- B. 7
- C. 12
- D. 5
Q7: Name the person who wrote a poem and that poem is engraved on the base of the statue
- A. Emma Lazarus
- B. William Shakespeare
- C. Mark Twain
- D. George Washington
Q8: How much does the statue weigh(in tons)
- A. 175
- B. 225
- C. 270
- D. 510
Q9: What is the statue's official title
- A. World of liberal Englightment
- B. Statue of eternal liberty
- C. Liberty and freedom for all
- D. Liberty Englighting the world
Q10: Name the metal from which the shell of the statue is made
- A. Steel
- B. Iron
- C. Platinum
- D. Copper
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