Take this quiz and check how much do you know about Swami Vivekananda?

Take this quiz and check how much do you know about Swami Vivekananda
Author : Adiyogi Quiz Master
Posted On : 26-Jun-2018
Q1: Margaret Noble was one of the disciple of Vivekananda and is well known as
- A. Sarada Devi
- B. Golap-ma
- C. Gauri-ma
- D. Sister Nivedita
Q2: Name the guru of Vivekananda
- A. Swami Gurudas
- B. Ram Krishna Paramahansa
- C. Ram Teertha
- D. None
Q3: In which of these place Vivekananda spent the last years of his life
- A. Kanyakumari
- B. Dakshineswar
- C. Belur Math
- D. Cossipur
Q4: Where is the magnificent Vivekananda Rock memorial situated at
- A. Howrah
- B. Cossipore
- C. Chennai
- D. Kanyakumari
Q5: Where did Vivekananda first met Ramakrishna
- A. Bishnupur
- B. Kalighat
- C. Dakshineswar
- D. Paschimbanga
Q6: What was the pre-monastic name of Vivekananda
- A. Narendranath Dutta
- B. Mahendranath Dutta
- C. Bhupendranath Dutta
- D. Vishwanath Dutta
Q7: Which city's street in USA has been named after Vivekananda as "Honorary Swami Vivekananda way"
- A. Los Angeles
- B. Chicago
- C. New York
- D. St.Louis
Q8: Vivekananda's birthday is celebrated in India as
- A. Martyr Day
- B. Children's Day
- C. Teacher's Day
- D. National Youth Day
Q9: Who was the first in west to write Vivekananda's biography
- A. Max Muller
- B. Christopher Isherwood
- C. Romain Rolland
- D. Aludous Huxley
Q10: Which among the following was not founded by Vivekananda
- A. World Yoga Society
- B. Advaitha Ashram
- C. Vedanta Society
- D. Ramakrishna Mission
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