Take this quiz and see how well you know about Wislawa Szymborska??
Wisława Szymborska was a Polish poet, essayist, translator. She became better known internationally as a result of this. Her work has been translated into English and many European languages, as well as into Arabic, Hebrew, Japanese, Persian and Chinese.
Author : Agniva Bhowmick
Posted On : 16-Jul-2019
Q1: When Wisława Szymborska was born?
- A. 14 March 1930
- B. 22 March 1922
- C. 2 July 1923
- D. 29 March 1932
Q2: In which year was she awarded by Nobel Prize?
- A. 1996
- B. 1997
- C. 1998
- D. 1999
Q3: Her which poem turned into song by composer Andrzej Munkowski?
- A. Nothing Twice
- B. Three Colors: Red
- C. Love At First Sight
- D. People on the Bridge
Q4: What is the middle name of Wisława Szymborsk?
- A. Duyay
- B. Dimana
- C. Anna
- D. Hgah
Q5: In which year her first book was published?
- A. 1948
- B. 1949
- C. 1950
- D. 1951
Q6: What was the name of her first book?
- A. Dlatego Zyjemy
- B. Pytania zadawane sobie
- C. Wołanie do Yeti
- D. 101 wierszy
Q7: What is the english title of 'Wielka liczba'?
- A. People on the Bridge
- B. No End of Fun
- C. Couldn't Have
- D. A Large Number
Q8: What is the english title of her last novel, 'Błysk rewolwru'?
- A. Enough
- B. The Glimmer of a Revolver
- C. Colon
- D. Moment
Q9: When was she awarded by The Polish Ministry of Culture Prize?
- A. 1963
- B. 1964
- C. 1965
- D. 1966
Q10: When was she awarded by ' Order of the White Eagle'?
- A. 2009
- B. 2010
- C. 2011
- D. 2012
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