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Take this world top 10 dangerous places quiz and see how well you know these??

Take this world top 10 dangerous places  quiz and see how well you know these?

There are many unknown places in the world which are suspicious, mysterious, people get scared to visit. Here are the top 10 dangerous places

   Author : Agniva Bhowmick

   Posted On : 09-Aug-2020

Q1: What is the name of this dengerous place?

What is the name of this dengerous place?
  • A. Snake Island – The Deadliest Place On Earth Snake Island
  • B. Lake Natron – The Most Inhospitable Areas On Earth
  • C. Oymyakon – Experiences An Extreme Climatic Condition
  • D. Death Road Road – Extremely Dangerous Road

Q2: What is the name of this dengerous place?

What is the name of this dengerous place?
  • A. Oymyakon – Experiences An Extreme Climatic Condition
  • B. Death Valley – Most Extreme Place On Earth
  • C. Lake Natron – The Most Inhospitable Areas On Earth
  • D. Snake Island – The Deadliest Place On Earth Snake Island

Q3: What is the name of this dengerous place?

What is the name of this dengerous place?
  • A. Lake Natron – The Most Inhospitable Areas On Earth Lake View
  • B. Death Valley – Most Extreme Place On Earth
  • C. Oymyakon – Experiences An Extreme Climatic Condition
  • D. Skeleton Coast – Harsh Climate

Q4: What is the name of this dengerous place?

What is the name of this dengerous place?
  • A. Oymyakon – Experiences An Extreme Climatic Condition
  • B. Skeleton Coast – Harsh Climate
  • C. Death Valley – Most Extreme Place On Earth
  • D. Danakil Desert – A Volcanically Active Area

Q5: What is the name of this dengerous place?

What is the name of this dengerous place?
  • A. Danakil Desert – A Volcanically Active Area
  • B. Death Valley – Most Extreme Place On Earth
  • C. Gates Of Hell – Door To Hell
  • D. Skeleton Coast – Harsh Climate

Q6: What is the name of this dengerous place?

What is the name of this dengerous place?
  • A. North Sentinel Island – Forbidden, Dangerous And Mysterious Place
  • B. Skeleton Coast – Harsh Climate
  • C. Gates Of Hell – Door To Hell
  • D. Danakil Desert – A Volcanically Active Area

Q7: What is the name of this dengerous place?

What is the name of this dengerous place?
  • A. Madidi National Park – A Jungle Paradise
  • B. Gates Of Hell – Door To Hell
  • C. Danakil Desert – A Volcanically Active Area
  • D. North Sentinel Island – Forbidden, Dangerous And Mysterious Place

Q8: What is the name of this dengerous place?

What is the name of this dengerous place?
  • A. Madidi National Park – A Jungle Paradise
  • B. North Sentinel Island – Forbidden, Dangerous And Mysterious Place
  • C. Gates Of Hell – Door To Hell
  • D. Skeleton Coast – Harsh Climate

Q9: What is the name of this dengerous place?

What is the name of this dengerous place?
  • A. North Sentinel Island – Forbidden, Dangerous And Mysterious Place
  • B. Madidi National Park – A Jungle Paradise
  • C. Skeleton Coast – Harsh Climate
  • D. Gates Of Hell – Door To Hell

Q10: What is the name of this dengerous place?

What is the name of this dengerous place?
  • A. Madidi National Park – A Jungle Paradise
  • B. North Sentinel Island – Forbidden, Dangerous And Mysterious Place
  • C. Gates Of Hell – Door To Hell
  • D. Danakil Desert – A Volcanically Active Area

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