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Take this quiz and see how well you know about 19th century newspapers of Europe??

Take this quiz and see how well you know about 19th century newspapers of Europe?

This list of the oldest newspapers sorts the newspapers of the world by the date of their first publication.

   Author : Agniva Bhowmick

   Posted On : 02-Dec-2020

Q1: When Giornale di Malta was established?

  • A. 1838
  • B. 1792
  • C. 1812
  • D. 1605

Q2: When The Guardian was established?

  • A. 1618
  • B. 1821
  • C. 1703
  • D. 1878

Q3: When Aftonbladet was established?

  • A. 1831
  • B. 1948
  • C. 1982
  • D. 1824

Q4: When The Economist was established?

  • A. 1826
  • B. 2007
  • C. 2005
  • D. 1843

Q5: When Faro de Vigo was established?

  • A. 1881
  • B. 1729
  • C. 1853
  • D. 1820

Q6: When La Nazione established?

  • A. 1920
  • B. 1965
  • C. 1859
  • D. 1741

Q7: When Birmingham Mail was established?

  • A. 1645
  • B. 1870
  • C. 1978
  • D. 1754

Q8: When The Evening News was established?

  • A. 1940
  • B. 1881
  • C. 1765
  • D. 1661

Q9: When Eastern Republican was established?

  • A. 1780
  • B. 2008
  • C. 1889
  • D. 1665

Q10: When Kaleva was established?

  • A. 1998
  • B. 1990
  • C. 1798
  • D. 1899

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