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Test your knowledge on Vahanas of Hindu Gods?

   Author : Jonathan

   Posted On : 01-Oct-2019

Q1: Which animal is the vahana of Ganesha?

  • A. Cat
  • B. Dog
  • C. Mouse
  • D. Elephant

Q2: Which animal is the vahana of Lakshmi?

  • A. Swan
  • B. Peacock
  • C. Duck
  • D. Owl

Q3: Which animal is the vahana of Lord Vishnu?

  • A. Garuda
  • B. Peacock
  • C. Fish
  • D. Snake

Q4: Which animal is the vahana of Lord Brahma?

  • A. Peacock
  • B. Swan
  • C. Cow
  • D. Garuda

Q5: Which animal is the vahana of Kartikeya?

  • A. Peacock
  • B. Swan
  • C. Mouse
  • D. Bull

Q6: Which animal is the vahana of Lord Shiva?

  • A. Cow
  • B. Snake
  • C. Bull
  • D. Tiger

Q7: Which animal is the vahana of Parvati?

  • A. Lion
  • B. Tiger
  • C. Swan
  • D. Snake

Q8: Which animal is the vahana of Indra?

  • A. Garuda
  • B. Bird
  • C. Swan
  • D. Elephant

Q9: Which animal is the vahana of Lord Yama?

  • A. Cow
  • B. Tiger
  • C. Buffalo
  • D. Elephant

Q10: Which animal is the vahana of Varuna?

  • A. Crocodile
  • B. Fish
  • C. Snake
  • D. Swan

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