How well you know about Atypical season 1? Take this quiz to know?

Atypical is an American comedy drama streaming television series created by Robia Rashid.
Author : Soumi Banerjee
Posted On : 05-Dec-2020
Q1: In which appliance store does Sam work
- A. Techtropolis
- B. Next
- C. Rainbow Studios
- D. American Electronics
Q2: What kind of disorder does Sam has
- A. Personality disorders
- B. Autism Spectrum Disorder
- C. Bipolar Disorder
- D. Psychotic Disorder
Q3: Name the bartender Elsa met after the dance class
- A. Michael
- B. Oscar
- C. John
- D. Nick
Q4: What is Beth's brother's name
- A. Evan
- B. John
- C. Frank
- D. Wally
Q5: What kind of instrument did Evan stole from the school
- A. Horn
- B. Tuba
- C. Flugel
- D. Guitar
Q6: Which year did Doug left his family for eight months
- A. 2002
- B. 2001
- C. 2004
- D. 2003
Q7: Who is Sam's therapist
- A. Joana
- B. Jane
- C. Julia
- D. April
Q8: What kind of necklace did Sam gave to Paige
- A. Heart necklace
- B. Penguin necklace
- C. Diamond necklace
- D. Cake necklace
Q9: Who got a scholarship from Clayton prep
- A. Sam
- B. Elsa
- C. Anna
- D. Casey
Q10: Who made the igloo for the winter formal
- A. Doug
- B. Casey
- C. Zahid
- D. Julia
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