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Do you know which city of India is known as what??

Do you know which city of India is known as what?

Do you know which city of India is known as what? Take this quiz and check how much you know about the Indian cities.

   Author : Jonathan

   Posted On : 02-Oct-2019

Q1: Which city is known as Blue City of India?

  • A. Jaipur
  • B. Udaipur
  • C. Jodhpur
  • D. Nagpur

Q2: Which city is known as Pink City of India?

  • A. Nagpur
  • B. Jaipur
  • C. Kolkata
  • D. Chennai

Q3: Which city is known as White City of India?

  • A. Nagpur
  • B. Amritsar
  • C. Jaisalmer
  • D. Udaipur

Q4: Which city is known as Orange City of India?

  • A. Nagpur
  • B. Bhubaneswar
  • C. Patna
  • D. Bangalore

Q5: Which city is known as Golden City of India?

  • A. Amritsar
  • B. Bhopal
  • C. Dimapur
  • D. Jodhpur

Q6: Which city is known as Yellow City of India?

  • A. Gandhinagar
  • B. Kolkata
  • C. Thiruvananthapuram
  • D. Jaisalmer

Q7: Which city is known as Evergreen City of India?

  • A. Shimla
  • B. Thiruvanthapuram
  • C. Bangalore
  • D. Manali

Q8: Which city is known as Black City of India?

  • A. Kolkata
  • B. Bhubaneswar
  • C. Patna
  • D. Delhi

Q9: Which city is known as Silver City of India?

  • A. Delhi
  • B. Mysore
  • C. Cuttack
  • D. Puri

Q10: Which city is known as Green City of India?

  • A. Amritsar
  • B. Shimla
  • C. Delhi
  • D. Gandhinagar

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