Take this quiz and see how well you know about the food that can cure your Common Illnesses??

Common Foods can sure your illness and it can make you fit, more strength full. So take this quiz and find the foods which can cure you illness.

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   Author : Agniva Bhowmick

Q1: Which food can cure Stress or anxiety?

  • A. Banana
  • B. Raisins
  • C. Yogurt
  • D. Apricots

Q2: Which food can cure High blood pressure?

  • A. Apricots
  • B. Apricots
  • C. Yogurt
  • D. Raisins

Q3: Which food can cure Constipation or gas?

  • A. Apricots
  • B. Can of Tuna
  • C. Yogurt
  • D. Ginger Tea

Q4: Which food can cure Preventing kidney stones?

  • A. Apricots
  • B. Yogurt
  • C. Ginger Tea
  • D. Can of Tuna

Q5: Which food can cure A bad mood?

  • A. Ginger Tea
  • B. Basil
  • C. Can of Tuna
  • D. Yogurt

Q6: Which food can cure Nausea?

  • A. Ginger Tea
  • B. Pear
  • C. Buckwheat Honey
  • D. Yogurt

Q7: Which food can cure High cholesterol?

  • A. Cabbage
  • B. Turkey
  • C. Buckwheat Honey
  • D. Pear

Q8: Which food can cure Coughing?

  • A. Turkey
  • B. Cabbage
  • C. Buckwheat Honey
  • D. Figs

Q9: Which food can cure Ulcers?

  • A. Garlic
  • B. OJ
  • C. Cabbage
  • D. Chamomile Tea

Q10: Which food can cure Headache?

  • A. Potatoes
  • B. Garlic
  • C. Chamomile Tea
  • D. Figs