Take this quiz and see how well you know indian festivals will be celebrated in India??

Here's a list of some famous festivals of India 2020 reflecting the country's ... There are many Indian festivals and celebrations.

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   Author : Agniva Bhowmick

Q1: In which english month, Holi will be celebrated in India in 2020?

  • A. June
  • B. May
  • C. April
  • D. March

Q2: In which english month, Bihu will be celebrated in India in 2020?

  • A. April
  • B. May
  • C. June
  • D. July

Q3: In which english month, Eid Ul Fitr will be celebrated in India in 2020?

  • A. April
  • B. May
  • C. June
  • D. July

Q4: In which english month, Rakshabandhan will be celebrated in India in 2020?

  • A. August
  • B. September
  • C. Octonber
  • D. November

Q5: In which english month, Janmashtmi will be celebrated in India in 2020?

  • A. November
  • B. October
  • C. September
  • D. August

Q6: In which english month, Ganesh Chaturthi will be celebrated in India in 2020?

  • A. May
  • B. June
  • C. July
  • D. August

Q7: In which english month, Navratri will be celebrated in India in 2020?

  • A. September
  • B. October
  • C. November
  • D. December

Q8: In which english month, Durga Puja will be celebrated in India in 2020?

  • A. August
  • B. September
  • C. October
  • D. November

Q9: In which english month, Gurupurab will be celebrated in India in 2020?

  • A. September
  • B. October
  • C. November
  • D. December

Q10: In which english month,Christmas will be celebrated in India in 2020?

  • A. December
  • B. November
  • C. October
  • D. September