Take this superman quiz and can you recognize them??

Every childhood is incompelete withoiut superheros. Here is the top 10 super heros. try to recognize them.

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   Author : Agniva Bhowmick

Q1: What is the name of this superhero?

What is the name of this superhero?
  • A. Iron Man
  • B. Super Man
  • C. Batman
  • D. Spider-Man

Q2: What is the name of this superhero?

What is the name of this superhero?
  • A. Hulk
  • B. Camtain Marvel
  • C. Iron Man
  • D. Spider man

Q3: What is the name of this superhero?

What is the name of this superhero?
  • A. Superman
  • B. Thor
  • C. Bat man
  • D. Iron Man

Q4: What is the name of this superhero?

What is the name of this superhero?
  • A. Superman
  • B. Hulk
  • C. Captain America
  • D. Thor

Q5: What is the name of this superhero?

What is the name of this superhero?
  • A. Wolverine
  • B. Thor
  • C. Captain Marvel
  • D. Batman

Q6: What is the name of this superhero?

What is the name of this superhero?
  • A. Thor
  • B. Hulk
  • C. Captain America
  • D. Captain Marvel

Q7: What is the name of this superhero?

What is the name of this superhero?
  • A. The Hulk
  • B. Thor
  • C. Iron Man
  • D. Bigman

Q8: What is the name of this superhero?

What is the name of this superhero?
  • A. Green Lantern
  • B. Spider Man
  • C. Electric Man
  • D. Thor

Q9: What is the name of this superhero?

What is the name of this superhero?
  • A. Human
  • B. Green Man
  • C. Plant Man
  • D. Green Lantern

Q10: What is the name of this superhero?

What is the name of this superhero?
  • A. Fireman
  • B. Speed Man
  • C. I-Man
  • D. The Flash