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Take this quiz and see how well you know about Doug McMillon??

Take this quiz and see how well you know about Doug McMillon?

Douglas McMillon is an American businessman. He sits on the retailer's board of directors.

   Author : Agniva Bhowmick

   Posted On : 13-Jan-2020

Q1: Doug McMillon is the CEO of which company ?

  • A. Walmart
  • B. Berkshire Hathaway
  • C. Exxon Mobil
  • D. Apple

Q2: What is the full name of Doug McMillon?

  • A. Carl Doug McMillon
  • B. Micheal Doug McMillon
  • C. Sandy Doug McMillon
  • D. Willem Doug McMillon

Q3: When was he born?

  • A. October 17, 1965
  • B. October 17, 1966
  • C. October 17, 1967
  • D. October 17, 1968

Q4: In which year did he become the company's fifth CEO?

  • A. 2013
  • B. 2014
  • C. 2015
  • D. 2016

Q5: What was his last company before join in this one?

  • A. Apple
  • B. AT&T
  • C. Sam's Club
  • D. HYUL

Q6: McMillon began his first job with Walmart as a

  • A. Winter associate
  • B. Intern
  • C. Summer associate
  • D. CEO

Q7: What was his work in his first job?

  • A. directing the company
  • B. HR
  • C. managing the company
  • D. unloading trucks in a distribution center

Q8: How many siblings he has?

  • A. 5
  • B. 4
  • C. 3
  • D. 2

Q9: In which year Walmart promoted McMillon to president and CEO of Sam's Club?

  • A. August 4, 2005
  • B. August 4, 2006
  • C. August 4, 2007
  • D. August 4, 2008

Q10: In which year, McMillion announced that the company would no longer sell ammunition used for handguns and military-style weapons?

  • A. 2019
  • B. 2018
  • C. 2017
  • D. 2016

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