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Take this quiz and see how well you know about the era's in Indian history??

Take this quiz and see how well you know about the era's in Indian history?

History is the whole series of past events connected with a particular person or thing. It also includes the contribution as well as the prehistoric settlements. Here, we are giving the list of Era in the Indian History Time Line of Ancient.

   Author : Agniva Bhowmick

   Posted On : 26-Dec-2019

Q1: What was the time Vikram Era?

  • A. 78AD
  • B. 56BC
  • C. 60BC
  • D. 80AD

Q2: What was the time Sake Era?

  • A. 78AD
  • B. 80AD
  • C. 92AD
  • D. 94AD

Q3: What was the time Gupta Era ?

  • A. 365AD
  • B. 350AD
  • C. 345AD
  • D. 320 AD

Q4: What was the time Harsha Era?

  • A. 606 AD
  • B. 650AD
  • C. 675AD
  • D. 680AD

Q5: What was the time Kalachuri Era?

  • A. 250AD
  • B. 248 AD
  • C. 246AD
  • D. 244AD

Q6: What was the time Lakshmana Era of Bengal?

  • A. 1122AD
  • B. 1121AD
  • C. 1120AD
  • D. 1119 AD

Q7: What was the time Buddha Era?

  • A. 544 BC
  • B. 550BC
  • C. 556BC
  • D. 562BC

Q8: What was the time Era of Mahavir?

  • A. 526BC
  • B. 528 BC
  • C. 530BC
  • D. 532BC

Q9: What was the time Nevar Era of Nepal ?

  • A. 874 AD
  • B. 876 AD
  • C. 878 AD
  • D. 880 AD

Q10: What was the time Kollam Era of Kerala?

  • A. 810 AD
  • B. 815AD
  • C. 820 AD
  • D. 825 AD

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