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Take this flag quiz and try to recognize the these flags of those country??

Take this flag quiz and try to recognize the these flags of those country?

Some of these countries are difficult to get into, but once you’re in, you will get a totally unique cultural and geographic experience. Take this quiz and recognize the flags of those countries.

   Author : Agniva Bhowmick

   Posted On : 13-Apr-2020

Q1: Which Country Flag Is This?

Which Country Flag Is This?
  • A. Brunei
  • B. Kyrgyzstan
  • C. Vanuatu
  • D. Kiribati

Q2: Which Country Flag Is This?

Which Country Flag Is This?
  • A. Kiribati
  • B. Vanuatu
  • C. Brunei
  • D. Tajikistan

Q3: Which Country Flag Is This?

Which Country Flag Is This?
  • A. Mayotte
  • B. Vanuatu
  • C. Azerbaijan
  • D. Nauru

Q4: Which Country Flag Is This?

Which Country Flag Is This?
  • A. Kiribati
  • B. Ivory Coast
  • C. Azerbaijan
  • D. Burkina Faso

Q5: Which Country Flag Is This?

Which Country Flag Is This?
  • A. Azerbaijan
  • B. Nauru
  • C. Mayotte
  • D. Tajikistan

Q6: Which Country Flag Is This?

Which Country Flag Is This?
  • A. Azerbaijan
  • B. Mayotte
  • C. Nauru
  • D. Burkina Faso

Q7: Which Country Flag Is This?

Which Country Flag Is This?
  • A. Nauru
  • B. Burkina Faso
  • C. Ivory Coast
  • D. Mayotte

Q8: Which Country Flag Is This?

Which Country Flag Is This?
  • A. Tuvalu
  • B. Palau
  • C. Andorra
  • D. Liechtenstein

Q9: Which Country Flag Is This?

Which Country Flag Is This?
  • A. South Ossetia
  • B. Nagorno Karabakh
  • C. Futuna
  • D. Andorra

Q10: Which Country Flag Is This?

Which Country Flag Is This?
  • A. Nauru
  • B. Liechtenstein
  • C. Palau
  • D. South Ossetia

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