How well you know about The Good Place season 2? Take this quiz to know?

The second season of the fantasy comedy television series The Good Place created by Michael Schur.
Author : Soumi Banerjee
Posted On : 19-Jul-2020
Q1: How many times Michael rebooted the neighbourhood
- A. 2000
- B. 345
- C. 802
- D. 123
Q2: Other than Eleanor who figured out about the bad place
- A. Chidi
- B. No One
- C. Tahani
- D. Jason
Q3: Who was Jason's new soulmate
- A. Kim
- B. Luang
- C. Eleanor
- D. Vicky
Q4: How did Tahani died
- A. She was crushed by her sister's statue
- B. In a car accident
- C. She committed suicide
- D. She was killed
Q5: Who became the mayor of the fake good place
- A. Dommy
- B. Michael
- C. Vicky
- D. Joan
Q6: What kind of thought experiment does Chidi teaches to the group
- A. Baby Farming
- B. Big Book
- C. Newton's Cannon
- D. Trolley Problem
Q7: What is the name of Janet's boyfriend which was created by her
- A. Derek
- B. Adrian
- C. Jake
- D. Charles
Q8: Who became a couple counselor for Tahani and Jason
- A. Lewis
- B. Eleanor
- C. Chidi
- D. Janet
Q9: Which actress portrayed the role of the Judge Gen
- A. Tina Fey
- B. Amy Poehler
- C. Maya Rudolph
- D. Rachel Dratch
Q10: In the earth what was Eleanor's new job
- A. Environmentalist
- B. Doctor
- C. Professor
- D. Engineer
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