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Take this quiz and see how well you know about Khudiram Bose??

Take this quiz and see how well you know about Khudiram Bose?

Khudiram Bose was a Bengali Indian revolutionary who opposed the British rule of India.

   Author : Agniva Bhowmick

   Posted On : 31-Jan-2020

Q1: When Khudiram Bose was born?

  • A. December 3, 1887
  • B. December 3, 1888
  • C. December 3, 1889
  • D. December 3, 1890

Q2: At which age was he hanged by Brirtish?

  • A. 18
  • B. 19
  • C. 20
  • D. 21

Q3: Did he belong from which state?

  • A. Bengal
  • B. Bihar
  • C. Odisha
  • D. UP

Q4: What was the name of his father?

  • A. Tilokratna Bose
  • B. Timan Bose
  • C. Basudev Bose
  • D. Trailokyanath Bose

Q5: In which samiti did he join for independance movement?

  • A. Bijay Samiti
  • B. Desh Samiti
  • C. Anushilan Samiti
  • D. Deshbhakti Samiti

Q6: At which age Khudiram took part in planting bombs near the police stations and targeted government officials?

  • A. 19
  • B. 18
  • C. 17
  • D. 16

Q7: With whom did he attempt to assassinate a British judge, Magistrate Douglas Kingsford, by throwing bombs on the carriage?

  • A. Prafulla Chaki
  • B. Binay Sen
  • C. Badal
  • D. Dinesh

Q8: To whom did the want to assassinate?

  • A. Warren Hastings
  • B. Kingsford
  • C. Charles Canning
  • D. Charles Cornwallis

Q9: On which date was he hanged by british?

  • A. 8th August
  • B. 9th August
  • C. 10th August
  • D. 11th August

Q10: When Khudiram Bose Central College was established?

  • A. 1965
  • B. 1966
  • C. 1967
  • D. 1968

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