Answer this quiz questions based on Killing Eve season 1 and check how much you know about it?

Killing Eve is a spy thriller television series that premiered on BBC America in the United States.
Author : Soumi Banerjee
Posted On : 18-Aug-2020
Q1: In which security agency Eve works
- A. Garda
- B. Vivint
- C. MI5
- D. G45
Q2: Who gives Villanelle her next killing job
- A. Konstantin
- B. Carolyn
- C. Eve
- D. Mona
Q3: In which kind of crime the Russian politician was involved
- A. Drug dealing
- B. Sex Trafficking
- C. Stealing Money
- D. Capturing Children
Q4: Who hired Eve after she lost her job
- A. Glenn
- B. Marlee
- C. Bonnie
- D. Carolyn
Q5: What is the name of the operatives who worked with Villanelle
- A. Jen and John
- B. Nadia and Diego
- C. Walden and Kate
- D. Leo and Donna
Q6: In which prison Nadia was staying
- A. Moscow Prison
- B. Paris Prison
- C. Bulgaria Prison
- D. London Prison
Q7: What is the name of the shadow organization
- A. 7 Ways
- B. 30 Days
- C. The Twelve
- D. Colors
Q8: Where did Eve go with Bill
- A. London
- B. Berlin
- C. Chicago
- D. Hawaii
Q9: With whom Villanelle had a deep relationship
- A. Caroline
- B. Jodie
- C. Anna
- D. Rachel
Q10: Who stabbed Villanelle at the end of the season
- A. Eve
- B. Kenny
- C. Elaine
- D. Damon
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