Take this Galaxy quiz and try to recognize the neighboring galaxies of earth??
The following is a list of notable galaxies. There are about 51 galaxies in the Local Group on ... Andromeda is the closest big galaxy to the Milky Way.
Author : Agniva Bhowmick
Posted On : 29-Apr-2020
Q1: What is the nam of this galaxy?
- A. MIlky Way
- B. Willman 1
- C. Triangulum II
- D. Sagittarius Dwarf Sphr
Q2: What is the name of this galaxy?
- A. Sagittarius Dwarf Sphr
- B. Segue 2
- C. Coma Berenices Dwarf
- D. Triangulum II
Q3: What is the name of this galaxy?
- A. Reticulum II
- B. Boötes II
- C. Segue 2
- D. Ursa Major II Dwarf
Q4: What is the name of this galaxy?
- A. Boötes I
- B. Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC)
- C. Ursa Minor Dwarf
- D. Draco Dwarf
Q5: What is the name of this galaxy?
- A. Draco Dwarf
- B. Ursa Minor Dwarf
- C. Small Magellanic Cloud (SMC, NGC 292)
- D. Boötes I
Q6: What is the name of this galaxy?
- A. Antlia 2
- B. Hercules Dwarf
- C. Carina Dwarf
- D. Draco Dwarf
Q7: What is the name of this galaxy?
- A. Fornax Dwarf
- B. Hercules Dwarf
- C. Leo IV Dwarf
- D. Canes Venatici I Dwarf
Q8: What is the name of this galaxy?
- A. Leo IV Dwarf
- B. Barnard's Galaxy (NGC 6822)
- C. Leo I Dwarf
- D. Fornax Dwarf
Q9: What is the name of this galaxy?
- A. Andromeda II
- B. Andromeda III
- C. Cetus Dwarf
- D. Pisces V
Q10: What is the name of this galaxy?
- A. Andromeda Galaxy
- B. Cassiopeia Dwarf
- C. Wolf-Lundmark-Melotte (WLM, DDO 221)
- D. Sagittarius Dwarf Irregular Galaxy
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