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Take this quiz and see how well you know about oldest newspapers of South Aisa??

Take this quiz and see how well you know about oldest newspapers of South Aisa?

The first recorded attempt to found a newspaper in South Asia was by William Bolts, a Dutchman in the employ of the British East India Company in September 1768 in Calcutta.

   Author : Agniva Bhowmick

   Posted On : 02-Dec-2020

Q1: When Hicky's Bengal Gazette was established?

  • A. 1838
  • B. 1876
  • C. 1780
  • D. 1845

Q2: When Calcutta Gazette was established?

  • A. 1784
  • B. 1851
  • C. 1867
  • D. 1878

Q3: When Bengal Journal was established?

  • A. 1978
  • B. 1948
  • C. 1982
  • D. 1785

Q4: When The Oriental Magazine or Calcutta Amusement was established?

  • A. 1785
  • B. 2007
  • C. 2005
  • D. 1956

Q5: WhenThe Asiatick Miscellany was established?

  • A. 1881
  • B. 1878
  • C. 1785
  • D. 1820

Q6: When The Asiatic Mirror and Commercial Advertiser was established?

  • A. 1920
  • B. 1965
  • C. 1788
  • D. 1872

Q7: When Azdarar was established?

  • A. 1794
  • B. 1867
  • C. 1978
  • D. 1931

Q8: When Samachar Darpan was established?

  • A. 1940
  • B. 1978
  • C. 1940
  • D. 1818

Q9: When Jam-i-Jahan-Numa was established?

  • A. 2007
  • B. 2008
  • C. 1947
  • D. 1822

Q10: When Orunodoi was established?

  • A. 1998
  • B. 1990
  • C. 1846
  • D. 1996

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