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Take this quziz and try to recognize Oscar nominated actors and supporting actors of this year??

Take this quziz and try to recognize Oscar nominated actors and supporting actors of this year?

'Joker' leads Oscar nominations with 11 nods. Try to recognize the other actor and supporting actors.

   Author : Agniva Bhowmick

   Posted On : 14-Jan-2020

Q1: What is the name of Oscar nominated actor?

What is the name of Oscar nominated actor?
  • A. Phoenix
  • B. DiCaprio
  • C. Driver
  • D. Banderas

Q2: What is the name of Oscar nominated actor?

What is the name of Oscar nominated actor?
  • A. Joaquin Phoenix
  • B. Leonardo DiCaprio
  • C. Adam Driver
  • D. Antonio Baderas

Q3: What is the name of Oscar nominated actor?

What is the name of Oscar nominated actor?
  • A. Joaquin Phoenix
  • B. Leonardo DiCaprio
  • C. Adam Driver
  • D. Antonio Baderas

Q4: What is the name of Oscar nominated actor?

What is the name of Oscar nominated actor?
  • A. Joaquin Phoenix
  • B. Leonardo DiCaprio
  • C. Adam Driver
  • D. Antonio Baderas

Q5: What is the name of Oscar nominated actor?

What is the name of Oscar nominated actor?
  • A. Leonardo DiCaprio
  • B. Antonio Baderas
  • C. Adam Driver
  • D. Jonathan Pryce

Q6: What is the name of Oscar nominated supporting actor?

What is the name of Oscar nominated supporting actor?
  • A. Brad Pitt
  • B. Al Pacino
  • C. Joe Pesci
  • D. Tom Hanks

Q7: What is the name of Oscar nominated supporting actor?

What is the name of Oscar nominated supporting actor?
  • A. Brad Pitt
  • B. Al Pacino
  • C. Joe Pesci
  • D. Tom Hanks

Q8: What is the name of Oscar nominated supporting actor?

What is the name of Oscar nominated supporting actor?
  • A. Brad Pitt
  • B. Al Pacino
  • C. Joe Pesci
  • D. Tom Hanks

Q9: What is the name of Oscar nominated supporting actor?

What is the name of Oscar nominated supporting actor?
  • A. Brad Pitt
  • B. Al Pacino
  • C. Joe Pesci
  • D. Tom Hanks

Q10: What is the name of Oscar nominated supporting actor?

What is the name of Oscar nominated supporting actor?
  • A. Al Pacino
  • B. Joe Pesci
  • C. Tom Hanks
  • D. Anthomy Hopkins

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