Answer this quiz questions about Seinfeld season 5 and check your score?

Season 4 of Seinfeld, an American television series created by Jerry Seinfeld and Larry David.
Author : Soumi Banerjee
Posted On : 21-Jun-2020
Q1: In the episode "The Pie" what food does Jerry's girlfriend refuse to eat
- A. Strawberry Pie
- B. Mango Pie
- C. Apple Pie
- D. Peach Pie
Q2: Who was banned from the fruit shop
- A. Newman
- B. Elaine
- C. George
- D. Kramer
Q3: In what kind of profession George started his small career
- A. Doctor
- B. Engineer
- C. Hand Modelling
- D. Comedian
Q4: Which of Jerry's girlfriend hated George
- A. Elena
- B. Jodi
- C. Cate
- D. Rhetta
Q5: What kind of gift was given by the team in the episode "The Dinner Party"
- A. A cake and liquor
- B. A TV set
- C. Set of Books
- D. Only Liquor
Q6: For what animal Jerry's girlfriend got a fungus medicine
- A. Dog
- B. Mouse
- C. Squirrel
- D. Cat
Q7: Which character was portrayed by Courtney Cox
- A. Julie
- B. Monica
- C. Rachel
- D. Meryl
Q8: A mannequin in the shop looks like which character
- A. Jerry
- B. Elaine
- C. Kramer
- D. George
Q9: Where do the four friends go to visit a couple and their baby
- A. Hamptons
- B. Paris
- C. Arizona
- D. Mexico
Q10: What is the name of Gino's uncle
- A. Pablo
- B. John
- C. Peter
- D. Enzo
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