Sharpen your Vocabulary with these words. Take the quiz?

A synonym is a word, morpheme, or phrase that means exactly or nearly the same as another word, morpheme, or phrase in a given language
Author : Siziwe Mpopo
Posted On : 11-May-2022
Q1: What is the Synonym for Ride?
- A. Unhorsed
- B. Excursion
- C. Afoot
- D. Dismount
Q2: What is the Synonym for Nostalgia?
- A. Remenesence
- B. Regretful
- C. Wistfulness
- D. Boredom
Q3: What is the Synonym for Drizzle?
- A. Sleet
- B. Collect
- C. Pour
- D. Downpour
Q4: What is the Synonym for Melancholy?
- A. Cheerful
- B. Happy
- C. Depressing
- D. Inspiring
Q5: What is the Synonym for Arduous
- A. Easy
- B. Effortless
- C. Cheap
- D. Hard
Q6: What is the Synonym for Baffling?
- A. Comprehensible
- B. Puzzle
- C. Enlighten
- D. Clear
Q7: What is the Synonym for Competence?
- A. Clumsyness
- B. Ability
- C. Inexpert
- D. Unskilled
Q8: What is the Synonym for Moribud?
- A. Stagnant
- B. Thriving
- C. Progress
- D. Recovering
Q9: What is the Synonym of Entrench?
- A. Dislodge
- B. Unsettle
- C. Install
- D. Dismantle
Q10: What is the Synonym for Cohort?
- A. Campanion
- B. Enemy
- C. Opponent
- D. Antagonist
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