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Take this synonym quiz and see how well you know about synonym words??

Take this synonym quiz and see how well you know about synonym words?

Synonyms are the words that have the same or very similar meaning. In this series of articles, you will learn synonyms for commonly used words.

   Author : Agniva Bhowmick

   Posted On : 16-Apr-2020

Q1: What is the synonym of Amazing?

  • A. Enrage
  • B. Reply
  • C. Wrathful
  • D. Incredible

Q2: What is the synonym of Anger?

  • A. Indignant
  • B. Unpleasant
  • C. Arouse
  • D. Interrogate

Q3: What is the synonym of Angry?

  • A. Wrathful
  • B. Sinful
  • C. Retort
  • D. Query

Q4: What is the synonym of Answer?

  • A. Interrogate
  • B. Depraved
  • C. Launch
  • D. Reply

Q5: What is the synonym of Awful?

  • A. Dreadful
  • B. Enormous
  • C. Gorgeous
  • D. Start

Q6: What is the synonym of Bad?

  • A. Launch
  • B. Contaminated
  • C. Dauntless
  • D. Splendid

Q7: What is the synonym of Beautiful?

  • A. Initiate
  • B. Gigantic
  • C. Intrepid
  • D. Magnificent

Q8: What is the synonym of Begin?

  • A. Enormous
  • B. Intrepid
  • C. Initiate
  • D. Sparkling

Q9: What is the synonym of Big?

  • A. Dauntless
  • B. Immense
  • C. Crash
  • D. Vivid

Q10: What is the synonym of Brave?

  • A. Enormous
  • B. Vivid
  • C. Dauntless
  • D. Wreck

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