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Take a quiz to find out how much you know about TED talks.?

Take a quiz to find out how much you know about TED talks.

TED Talks are influential videos from expert speakers on education, business, science, tech and creativity, with subtitles in 100+ languages.

   Author : Siziwe Mpopo

   Posted On : 28-May-2022

Q1: What is the slogan of TED Talks?

  • A. Talks worth having
  • B. Spreading Ideas
  • C. Ideas worth spreading
  • D. Bringing the world together

Q2: Where is the Headquarters of the TED?

  • A. New York, US
  • B. California, US
  • C. London, UK
  • D. Moscow, Russia

Q3: Who is the founder of TED talks?

  • A. Larry Page
  • B. Richard Saul Wurman
  • C. Sergey Brin
  • D. Mark Zuckerberg

Q4: When was TED talks created?

  • A. 2005
  • B. 1988
  • C. 2013
  • D. 1984

Q5: What is the title of Elizabeth Gilbert's famous talk?

  • A. Creative Genius
  • B. Your Elusive Creative Genius
  • C. Creatives elusive writing
  • D. The joys of creative writing

Q6: What does TED mean?

  • A. Technology, Entertainment, Design
  • B. Talk, Entertain, Develop
  • C. Talk, Elevation, Development
  • D. Technology, Essence, Dedication

Q7: What is the number 1 TED talk?

  • A. Brené Brown – The power of vulnerability
  • B. Amy Cuddy – Your body language shapes who you aremy Cuddy – Your body language shapes who you are
  • C. Ken Robinson – How schools kill creativity
  • D. Simon Sinek – How great leaders inspire action

Q8: How long is a TED talk?

  • A. 10 minutes or less
  • B. 15 minutes or less
  • C. 30 minutes or less
  • D. 18 minutes or less

Q9: where are the main TED conference held annually?

  • A. Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada,
  • B. New York, US
  • C. Sydney, Australia
  • D. London, UK

Q10: Which is the official streaming site for TED?

  • A. Netflix
  • B. YouTube
  • C.
  • D. Google

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