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Take this quiz and see how well you know about Tim Cook ? ?

Take this quiz and see how well you know about Tim Cook ?

Tim Cook is an American business executive and industrial engineer. In 2014, Cook became the first chief executive of a Fortune 500 company to publicly come out as gay.

   Author : Agniva Bhowmick

   Posted On : 14-Jan-2020

Q1: What is the middle name of Tim Cook?

  • A. Donald
  • B. Stuart
  • C. Sandy
  • D. Handy

Q2: When was he born?

  • A. November 1, 1957
  • B. November 1, 1958
  • C. November 1, 1959
  • D. November 1, 1960

Q3: He id the CEO of which of company?

  • A. AT&T
  • B. Walmart
  • C. Apple
  • D. Samsung

Q4: In which year did he join Apple?

  • A. March 1997
  • B. March 1998
  • C. March 1999
  • D. March 2000

Q5: When did he become CEO of his company?

  • A. August 24, 2014
  • B. August 24, 2013
  • C. August 24, 2012
  • D. August 24, 2011

Q6: How many years Cook spent times in IBM?

  • A. 12y
  • B. 14y
  • C. 16y
  • D. 18y

Q7: Who did ask him to join Apple?

  • A. Willeam Billart
  • B. Dolbart Jenus
  • C. Steve Jobs
  • D. Hupas Corl

Q8: In which year Time included Cook on its annual "100 Most Influential People in the World" list?

  • A. 2012
  • B. 2013
  • C. 2014
  • D. 2015

Q9: When did Tim Cook get the "Financial Times of the Year" award?

  • A. 2013
  • B. 2015
  • C. 2014
  • D. 2016

Q10: How many different awards does Tim Cook have?

  • A. 4
  • B. 5
  • C. 6
  • D. 7

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