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Take this quiz and see how well you know about unknown things about Valentines Day??

Take this quiz and see how well you know about unknown things about Valentines Day?

But do you know the true origins of Valentine’s Day? Or when it became associated with romance? Take our quiz, and find out just how much you know about this day.

   Author : Agniva Bhowmick

   Posted On : 07-Feb-2020

Q1: Roughly how many cards are exchanged every year for Valentine's Day?

  • A. One Billion
  • B. Two Billlion
  • C. Three Billion
  • D. Four Billion

Q2: If you are single you can celebrate Single Awareness Day aka S.A.D ?

  • A. True
  • B. False
  • C. Both of them
  • D. None of Them

Q3: When did England officially declare Valentine's Day as a holiday?

  • A. 1524
  • B. 1534
  • C. 1567
  • D. 1537

Q4: Which Monarch declared it?

  • A. Henry VI
  • B. Henry VII
  • C. Henry VIII
  • D. Henry XI

Q5: Who produced the first box of chocolates for this holiday?

  • A. Richard Cadbury
  • B. John Cadbury
  • C. Jenny Cadbury
  • D. William Cadbury

Q6: The earliest surviving Valentine's Day message is from which century?

  • A. 14th
  • B. 15th
  • C. 16th
  • D. 17th

Q7: When did cards and chocolates start being mass produced for this occasion?

  • A. 1838s
  • B. 1839s
  • C. 1840s
  • D. 1841s

Q8: The red rose was the favourite flower of Venus

  • A. True
  • B. False
  • C. Both of Them
  • D. None of them

Q9: Roughly how many heart shaped boxes of chocolate are given every year?

  • A. 36million
  • B. 40million
  • C. 44million
  • D. 48million

Q10: In which country Valentine's Day starts on 14th Feb and lasts until 14th April?

  • A. South Korea
  • B. North Korea
  • C. South Africa
  • D. Itally

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