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Take this quiz and see how well you know indian festivals will be celebrated in India??

Take this quiz and see how well you know indian festivals will be celebrated in India?

Here's a list of some famous festivals of India 2020 reflecting the country's ... There are many Indian festivals and celebrations.

   Author : Agniva Bhowmick

   Posted On : 04-Mar-2020

Q1: In which english month, Holi will be celebrated in India in 2020?

  • A. June
  • B. May
  • C. April
  • D. March

Q2: In which english month, Bihu will be celebrated in India in 2020?

  • A. April
  • B. May
  • C. June
  • D. July

Q3: In which english month, Eid Ul Fitr will be celebrated in India in 2020?

  • A. April
  • B. May
  • C. June
  • D. July

Q4: In which english month, Rakshabandhan will be celebrated in India in 2020?

  • A. August
  • B. September
  • C. Octonber
  • D. November

Q5: In which english month, Janmashtmi will be celebrated in India in 2020?

  • A. November
  • B. October
  • C. September
  • D. August

Q6: In which english month, Ganesh Chaturthi will be celebrated in India in 2020?

  • A. May
  • B. June
  • C. July
  • D. August

Q7: In which english month, Navratri will be celebrated in India in 2020?

  • A. September
  • B. October
  • C. November
  • D. December

Q8: In which english month, Durga Puja will be celebrated in India in 2020?

  • A. August
  • B. September
  • C. October
  • D. November

Q9: In which english month, Gurupurab will be celebrated in India in 2020?

  • A. September
  • B. October
  • C. November
  • D. December

Q10: In which english month,Christmas will be celebrated in India in 2020?

  • A. December
  • B. November
  • C. October
  • D. September

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